التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2008

Finally Shaheer's Luck Changes!!!

After hours of prayers, finally Shaheer catches something with his trawling kit!!! The barracuda is a bit smaller in real life :-))))  

Some Photos.... Photoshop on the boat does miracles

So here we have Shaheer posing with our biggest catch yet!!! And Hany Ragy and Sammy posing with some of the night catch!!! Next post whenever we have coverage!!! 

Houston - We have a problem!!!

A few hours into the trip, I fell into the water!! And guess what?? Both phones were in my pocket!!! Why don't Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones survive a splash into salt water is beyond me!!  Maybe someone should look into this!!! Anyway, we'll be posting using the laptop whenever we have coverage from Vodafone. Thank God for 3G and Vodafone Connect!!!!

Samy's first catch ever!

The initiation of a new member!

Just setting off!

Right on time@730 am. Next update when someone catches something.

Coffee at the airport.

Let's hope EgyptAir takes off on time!

Yay!!! We're going fishing this weekend

Final Hours!!  Watch this space for live updates from the Red Sea :-))