التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2010

Back home after exactly 48 hours!!

Best 48 hours in a long time. Weather in Hurghada was awesome! Two days of fabulous fishing, eating, drink and having a great time with a great group of people. Farid, I salute you for your awesome sense of humor!! We still beat you though:-)) thanks Ragy for the excellent organization. You should turn this into a business :-)) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

The total catch!!!!

Yay. Good fir 48 hours!!!

Our last dinner. Finishing off the trip

Awesome cook on the boat! Ladies, all our Mrs out there, you have serious competition.

Just to make Farid happy

We finally paid off a barracuda school to donate a young one for the competing team!!!! Mabrouk!!

Second Barracuda for the day!!

Poor Farid :-))(

Reactions from the loosing team:-)

Guys. We can still help :-)

First Barracuda of the day!!!

Joint catch for Sherif and Shaheer team!!! Poor Farid and Ragy. We are happy to help you if you ask kindly :-)

We are off to a start!!!

Lines cast and we are cruising.

It's another beautiful day!!!

Just woke up. Last one on the boat. Shaheer already up and hyper active :-). Can't this be groundhog day??

Not bad for the first day!!!!

Congrats everyone!!! we just had a great dinner with seafood soup, calamaria and fried fish!! Not to mention the wine. Can we please have the same weather tomorrow?

Nabil finally comes through !!!!


First Nagel of the day!!!

11 kg!! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Farid catches something to ride :-)

Farid finally catches something. This is a سمكة حصان. Guess what he will do with it? - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Team 2: Tuna 0

Yay!!! Second tuna for the day! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Team 1: Tuna 0

First tuna of the day!!! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location: Al Nasr,,Egypt

Romantic photos for now

No fish yet so we're into photo shoots now. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location: Al Nasr,,Egypt

We are off to a start!!!

Excellent first time participation!!! The amount of excitement is mind blowing. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location: Al Bahr,,Egypt

Farid and his contraband! A way to start the trip!

Farid starting of the trip with contraband through security!!! Took some convincing to get through with sun block :-) Farid they'll check you when you're back for sun burns :-) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Location: مطار القاهرة الدولي,,Egypt