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عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2013

HTC 8X - A very nice phone, but Microsoft really killed it

Yesterday was the first day since 2007 that I am without an iPhone. My nice iPhone 5 was sent for replacement under warranty for a faulty on/off button. It has served me well since last September, but the button failed and because it was not purchased here I had to sent it overseas. After debating for a while about buying another iPhone for the interim period, I decided I would use the time to really see what it's like to use one of my other phones as the real workhorse. I have with me what I believe to be 3 of the top end phones. In the picture below from left to right, the HTC 8X, Blackberry Q10 and a Samsung S4. My first attempt is to use the HTC 8X as the main phone. Picked up a nano to micro SIM adapter, stuck my SIM card in there and set it up in a few minutes. Added my email accounts, pulled in my contacts from the cloud and was up an running smoothly. I have been on the HTC for over a day now and have the following to say for the phone. Pros: The phone i...